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What's Wrong With the Chosen?


The Chosen is arguably the most well-received religious television series ever. It has received rave reviews, including a 9.8 out of `10 rating at IMDB. According to the show's producers, over 108 million people have watched since December 2022. The show has been translated into over 50 languages and has multiple Bible studies based on its content. With such widespread support, what could be wrong with it?


Is The Chosen Biblically accurate? Does it matter? A poll of reformed pastors and teachers showed that 87% are concerned about unbiblical content and consider the show a threat to uninformed believers. What's Wrong With the Chosen? provides a Biblical critique of the show. The author discusses his four objections, and follows that with an in-depth analysis where every scene in seasons 1-3 is evaluated for historical and Biblical accuracy.​

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The Armchair Theologian's Guide to the Westminster Confession


Do you ever feel as though you have read your Bible but wish you could better explain what you believe? Do you wonder how the Bible applies to our world today? Are you frustrated when confronted with viewpoints that are not Scriptural, but struggle to disprove them? The Westminster Confession of Faith is a topical arrangement of the Bible into doctrinal truths. It was written to organize the Bible into a unifying summary of what Christians believe and to combat heresy. The Westminster Confession of Faith is as relevant today as when it was written nearly 400 years ago.


Join the author as he goes through the WCF in a user-friendly format, which includes the traditional and modern English versions of the WCF. This volume highlights and counters unbiblical doctrine and creates talking points perfect for explaining Scripture to young believers or for cozy armchair discussions with friends

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Our Perfect God


          Man’s comprehension of God is often stunted by sin from the glorious reality of God. Our Perfect God looks at nine of God’s perfections (attributes) along with multiple examples of how imputed perfection is ours by grace alone.


          Topics covered include: the inerrancy of Scripture, God’s righteousness, wisdom, creative ability, infinity, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and more.


          Join the author as he reflects on and celebrates God’s perfect attributes.

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Murals of Ruth


         Ruth is more than a women’s book; more than a history book; more than genealogy; more than a quaint little story; more than a stop along the way in mankind's earthly journey; and more than a part of God's story of redemption. It is hard to limit the book of Ruth to just one theme. Yet there is one overarching evident theological truth which leaps from its pages: the fact of God’s sovereign providence in redeeming His chosen people.

       Join the author as he takes a creative approach to this fascinating love story.


Ruth: A Story of God's Redeeming Love


          The book of Ruth is one of the most famous short stories of all time.  In just four chapters, the reader is exposed to faithlessness, death, unwavering integrity, and redemption. Ruth provides an intimate view into the back story of the lineage of King David. Set in the time of the judges, when "everyone did what was right in their own eyes," the wholesomeness and honesty of Ruth are a welcome breath of fresh air.

          In this study, we shall cover such topics as God’s loving-kindness (hesed), the foreshadowing of Christ, the providence of God, and the redemption of Naomi.

          Join the author as he takes an in-depth, Reformed look into one of the greatest redemption stories of all time.

Suffering in Silence: Ministering to Those With Mental Illness


Mental illness affects millions of Americans. Often, those afflicted will develop substance abuse problems or will die from suicide. Surely, there must be something the church can do to help. Timothy Mulder explores how to effectively minister to those with mental illness in Suffering in Silence. He considers questions such as: Why are those who suffer from mental illness so often misunderstood? Why are churches and other ministries well positioned to help people struggling with mental illness? How can you best minister to those with mental illness?

          Join the author as he explores how to better understand mental illness, so you may better minister to those who suffer from it.

Jesus of Nazareth: Son of God / Son of Man


Jesus of Nazareth: Son of God/Son of Man is a fresh approach to the doctrine of hypostasis, written in lay language. It spans the Biblical accounts of The Christ.

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